Who pays for those translator tablets? Or is it an app? And goodness, doesn't the organization know that the door to door preaching doesn't yield results?
I could hardly see them having a meaningful conversation in spite of translations.
caleb states, "now i can speak to chinese people.
" ummm, there are many chinese people that speak english, caleb.
Who pays for those translator tablets? Or is it an app? And goodness, doesn't the organization know that the door to door preaching doesn't yield results?
I could hardly see them having a meaningful conversation in spite of translations.
hey so i'm currently doing a uni project and making a film exploring my leaving of the witnesses.
i wanted to begin with an intro where i revisit the genesis account of god creating the heavens and the earth.
i remember it to be quite visually descriptive, so i wanted to take the account and illustrate it myself with narration over the top.
I've got the large size bible which identifies itself as: First revision 1961; Second revision 1970; Third revision with footnotes, 1971.
The quote for Genesis 1:1-3 is:
1 In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon [the] surface of the watery deep; and God's active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters.
3 And God proceeded to say: "Let light come to be." Then there came to be light.
hey guys,.
so, something amazing happened recently.
i recently met with an old and very good friend of mine.
my wife called me at work saying she is scared after reading today's daily text.
i don't read it anymore, therefore i went online and found this.. tuesday, march 3 .
those days will be cut short.matt.
see jws have said time and again jesus died once for all time... a quote from hebrews.
okay rule out humn-like aliens what about animals plants and microbes... i once had a hot fight with an elder when i still believed that here was no reason to doubt alien animals etc.
yet not based on any wt article witnesses reject this often.. lets suppose say in a month microbes are found on ceres (i doubt it will happen but let's roll with it) they are living as much as our cells are and reporduce... okay what would mother say in the magazines when millions of jehovah's witnesses demand to know why jehovah created microbes on a dwarf planet?.
Such a discovery would basically contradict the Fundamentalist Christian view of the Bible and would create a ruckus among them not just the JWs.
The first discovery of potential life will not be able to directly detect life but only the unique atmosphere it grows in. If it's similar to Earth with a substantial Nitrogen/Oxygen atmosphere then that will be an indication that there's something alive on that planet. Otherwise the atmosphere in a non-living planet would be mostly Carbon Dioxide.
This would be detected by analyzing the light between the planets' star - its sun - as it goes through the planets atmosphere. Our telescopes are not quite able to do this for Earth like planets at the present moment but better technology preferably a space built giant telescope would be.
just saw this a few minutes ago.. of course i want one!!.
see jws have said time and again jesus died once for all time... a quote from hebrews.
okay rule out humn-like aliens what about animals plants and microbes... i once had a hot fight with an elder when i still believed that here was no reason to doubt alien animals etc.
yet not based on any wt article witnesses reject this often.. lets suppose say in a month microbes are found on ceres (i doubt it will happen but let's roll with it) they are living as much as our cells are and reporduce... okay what would mother say in the magazines when millions of jehovah's witnesses demand to know why jehovah created microbes on a dwarf planet?.
@ Phizzy: "For Bible believers like the JW's this would contradict the words of Revelation..."
Maybe ET is one of the 144,000.
see jws have said time and again jesus died once for all time... a quote from hebrews.
okay rule out humn-like aliens what about animals plants and microbes... i once had a hot fight with an elder when i still believed that here was no reason to doubt alien animals etc.
yet not based on any wt article witnesses reject this often.. lets suppose say in a month microbes are found on ceres (i doubt it will happen but let's roll with it) they are living as much as our cells are and reporduce... okay what would mother say in the magazines when millions of jehovah's witnesses demand to know why jehovah created microbes on a dwarf planet?.
@ Finkelstein:
"Astronomers estimate 100 billion habitable Earth-like planets in the Milky Way, 50 sextillion in the universe"
Unfortunately the majority of those planets would be in the core of our galaxy where stars are so close together that they could pull planets out of their orbit freezing them; increase cometary bombardment eliminating complex life from forming; and getting fried by novas/supernovas that are close by. Life might be very common but advanced life might not.
The book Rare Earth: Why Complex Life is Uncommon in the Universe has a good and very readable explanation of how this would play through. Highly recommended.
i received the following reply to my email.
water covering the entire surface of our planet by means of a flood.
well the ice layers prove it never occurred.
1sa 28:3-25 (nwt - not revised version).
7 finally saul said to his servants: seek for me a woman who is a mistress of spirit mediumship, and i will go to her and consult her.
then his servants said to him: look!
Cold Steel, on the subject of witches, is this your belief?